http:// scholar.pku.edu.cn/qutianshu
- 副教授
- 个人简介
- 实验室多年来从事空间音频方向研究,研究方向包括虚拟3D声音,声音事件定位、分离和识别,音频编解码等。承担包括自然科学基金,科技部863,国家重点研发等多项课题。部分研究成果已获得认可并推广。
- 所授课程
《信号与系统》 (本科专业必修,3学分)
《机器感知实验》 (本科专业选修,2学分)
《数字信号处理及算法实现》 (研究生专业选修,3学分)
- 个人履历
2021.11-今 北京大学智能学院 副教授
2010.8-2021.10 北京大学信息科学技术学院 副教授
2004.10-2010.7 北京大学信息科学技术学院 讲师
2002.9-2004.9 北京大学 博士后
1999.9-2002.6 吉林大学攻读博士学位
2011.3-2012.3 密西根州立大学访学
- 团队成员
- 高山,博士后
- 承担项目
国家重点研发计划(2019YFC1408501),海洋观测设备水下投放系统中环境感知和自主路径 规划研究(子课题)
- 代表性论文及论著
1. Gao S, Lin J, Wu X, Qu T. Sparse DNN Model for Frequency Expanding of Higher Order Ambisonics Encoding Process. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 2022;30:1124-1135.
2. Ge Z, Li L, Qu T. Partially Matching Projection Decoding Method Evaluation Under Different Playback Conditions. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 2021;29:1411-1423.
3. Fan L, Kong L, Li L, Qu T. Sensitivity to a break in interaural correlation in frequency-gliding noises. Front. Psychol. - Perception Science. 2021.
4. Zhang M, Ge Z, Liu T, Wu X, Qu T. Modeling of Individual HRTFs Based on Spatial Principal Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing. 2020;28:785-797.
5. Gao S, Wu X, Qu T. Localization of Direct Source and Early Reflections Using HOA Processing and DNN Model, in Audio Engineering Society Convention 152.; 2022:10560.
6. Wang Y, Wu X, Qu T. UP-WGAN: Upscaling Ambisonic Sound Scenes Using Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks, in Audio Engineering Society Convention 152.; 2022:10577.
7. Xu J, Niu Y, Wu X, Qu T. Higher order ambisonics compression method based on independent component analysis, in 150 AES Convention.; 2021:10456.
8. Zhang M, Guan T, Chen L, Fu T, Su D, Qu T. Individualized HRTF-based Binaural Renderer for Higher- Order Ambisonics, in 150 AES Convention.; 2021:10454.
9. Peng C, Wu X, Qu T. Competing speaker count estimation on the fusion of the spectral and spatial embedding space, in INTERSPEECH 2020. Shaihai China; 2020:3077-3081.
10. Ge Z, Li L, Qu T. The Ambisonic Partially Matching Projection Decoding Method for Near-field Sound Sources, in 148 AES Convension. Vienna, Austria; 2020.
11. Wang Y, Wu X, Qu T. Direction of arrival estimation based on transfer function learning using autoencoder network, in 148 AES Convention. Vienna, Austria; 2020.
12. Zhang M, Wu X, Qu T. Individual Distance-Dependent HRTFS Modeling Through A Few Anthropometric Measurements, in International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) . Barcelona, Spain; 2020:401-405.