- 助理教授、博士生导师
- 北京大学未来技术学院、国家生物医学成像科学中心
- 个人简介
- 主要从事光声和超声医学影像技术开发及临床应用,在高灵敏度超声换能器、光声图像重建算法和光声超声多模态成像技术领域发表学术论文约30 篇,申请美国发明专利2项,曾参与美国国家卫生院(NIH)项目2 项、参与加拿大国家创新基金(CFI)项目1 项、主持加拿大微系统设计联盟(CMC Microsystems)项目3 项,现担任Micromachines和Applied Sciences专题客座编辑。关于人脑功能光声断层成像和交叉射线超声断层成像的成果分别获SPIE Photonics West最佳论文奖。高灵敏度超声换能器的系列成果获加拿大微系统设计联盟奖项。领导的生物医学光声成像实验室(Biomedical Optical and Acoustic Imaging Laboratory, BOAI Lab)将致力于研发灵敏度更高、特异性更强、普及性更广的先进功能性成像技术,服务于脑科学与临床医学研究。
- 获奖及荣誉
- 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金(海外)资助获得者
- 个人履历
2022.5-现在 北京大学 未来技术学院 助理教授
2017.11-2022.2 美国加州理工学院 医学工程系 博士后
2013-2017 加拿大滑铁卢大学 系统设计系 博士
2010-2013 复旦大学 力学与工程科学系 硕士
2006-2010 同济大学 航空航天与力学学院 学士
- 代表性论文及论著
1. Shuai Na#; Jonathan J. Russin#; Li Lin#; Xiaoyun Yuan#; Peng Hu; Kay B. Jann; Lirong Yan; Konstantin Maslov; Junhui Shi; Danny J. Wang; Charles Y. Liu*; Lihong V. Wang*; Massively Parallel Photoacoustic Computed Tomography of Human Brain Function, Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2021, 1-9.
2. Shuai Na; Lihong Wang; Photoacoustic computed tomography for functional human brain imaging, Biomedical Optics Express, 2021, 12(7): 4056-4083.
3. Shuai Na#; Yang Zhang#; Lihong Wang; Cross‐Ray Ultrasound Tomography and Photoacoustic Tomography of Cerebral Hemodynamics in Rodents, Advanced Science, 2022, 2201104.
4. Li Lin#; Peng Hu#; Xin Tong#; Shuai Na#; Rui Cao; Xiaoyun Yuan; David C. Garrett; Junhui Shi; Konstantin Maslov; Lihong Wang*; High-Speed Three-Dimensional Photoacoustic Computed Tomography for Preclinical Research and Clinical Translation, Nature Communications, 2021, 12(882).
5. Shuai Na; Xiaoyun Yuan; Li Lin; Julio Isla; David Garrett; Lihong Wang*; Transcranial Photoacoustic Computed Tomography Based on a Layered Back-Projection Method, Photoacoustics, 2020, 20.
6. Shuai Na; Albert I.H. Chen; Lawrence L.P. Wong; Zhenhao Li; Mirek Macecek; John T.W. Yeow*; Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers Based on Annular Cell Geometry for Air-Coupled Applications, Ultrasonics, 2016, 71: 152-160.
7. Shuai Na; Zhou Zheng; Albert I-Hsiang Chen; Lawrence L. P. Wong; Zhenhao Li; John T.W. Yeow*; Design and Fabrication of a High-Power Air-Coupled Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer Array with Concentric Annular Cells, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2017, 64(11): 4636-4643.
8. Shuai Na; Zhenhao Li; Lawrence L. P. Wong; Albert I.-Hsiang Chen; Mirek Macecek; John T. W. Yeow*; An Optimization and Comparison Study of Air-Coupled CMUTs with Circular and Annular Cell Geometries, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2017, 64(11): 1723-1734.
9. Shuai Na; Lawrence L.P. Wong; Albert I.H. Chen; Zhenhao Li; Mirek Macecek; John T.W. Yeow*; Lumped Element Modeling of Air-Coupled Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers with Annular Cell Geometry, Ultrasonics, 2016, 76: 19-27.
10. Shuai Na; Yang Zhang; Lihong Wang; Cross-ray ultrasound photoacoustic computed tomography of brain function, The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) - Photonics West, 2022. Best paper award.
11. Shuai Na; Jonathan J. Russin; Li Lin; Xiaoyun Yuan; Peng Hu; Kay B. Jann; Lirong Yan; Konstantin Maslov; Junhui Shi; Danny J. Wang; Charles Y. Liu; Lihong V. Wang; Mapping Human Brain Function with Massively Parallel High-Speed Three-Dimensional Photoacoustic Computed Tomography, The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) - Photonics West, 2021. Best paper award.