National Biomedical Imaging Center of Peking University, room 5211, Huairou, Beijing
- Assistant Professor, PI
Connectomics Lab
National Biomedical Imaging Center
College of Future Technology
Peking University
- 个人简介
Each of our brains contains billions of neurons. These neurons intertwine to form complex neural circuits, endowing the brain with the capacity for information flow and processing. The deepest secrets of the brain lie hidden within these neural circuits. My research focuses on employing cutting-edge imaging technologies and computational analysis methods to reconstruct the structural networks of neural circuits in the brain at nanometer resolution. This approach enables us to reveal the architecture and function of neural circuits at synaptic levels, decipher nature's design principles for neural wiring, and explain animal behaviors, cognition, and biological intelligence from the perspective of circuit organization. This field is known as "connectomics."
As an emerging discipline in modern neurobiology, connectomics provides foundational structural knowledge of neural circuits that integrates multiple fields including neurophysiology, molecular neurobiology, and behavioral neurobiology. Dr. Kun Song conducted research on human visual cognition and attention processes at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences during his PhD studies (2010-2015). From 2016 to 2024, he engaged in extensive connectomics research at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Germany, accumulating rich experience in methodology development and scientific project execution. His groundbreaking whole-brain staining technique for mice has significantly advanced high-throughput, large-scale connectomics research.
Currently, the Song Laboratory at Peking University's Future Technology Institute, established in collaboration with the National Biomedical Imaging Center (Huairou), employs multi-beam electron microscopes, X-ray micro-CT, and super-resolution optical microscopy to investigate fundamental neuroscience questions such as sensorimotor integration and neural plasticity using animal models including spiders and mice. Our work encompasses both scientific exploration and methodological innovation. We welcome students, scientists, and engineers passionate about unraveling the mysteries of the brain and studying neural circuit structure-function relationships to join our interdisciplinary team.
- 获奖及荣誉
- 2022: First Prize for Outstanding Scientific Research Achievements by Universities, Ministry of Education (8th contributor)
- 教育背景
2010-2015: Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience (Advisors: Academician Lin Chen, Researcher Huan Luo)
2007-2010: China Agricultural University, Science Honors Program
Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences
- 工作简历
2024.09–Present: Assistant Professor and Researcher, Future Technology Institute, Peking University
2016.03–2024.08: Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany (Advisor: Prof. Moritz Helmstaedter)
2015.05–2016.02: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Advisor: Prof. Xiaoqun Wang)
- 代表性论文及论著
1. Song K*, Feng Z, Helmstaedter M* (2023). High-contrast en-bloc staining of mouse whole-brain samples for EM-based connectomics. Nature Methods 20, 836-840 (* co-correspondence) (bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.30.486341) (PCT patent applied)
2. Sievers M, Motta A, Schmidt M, Yener Y, Loomba S, Song K, Bruett J, Helmstaedter M (2024). Connectomic reconstruction of a cortical column. bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.22.586254
3. Gour A, Boergens KM, Heike N, Hua Y, Laserstein P, Song K, Helmstaedter M (2020) Postnatal connectomic development of inhibition in mouse barrel cortex. Science 371 (6528)
4. Sun L, Chen R, Li L, Yuan B, Song K, Pan N, Cheng T-L, Chang S, Lin K, He X, Wu Q, Xu F, Qiu Z, Wang X (2020) Visualization and correction of social abnormalities-associated neural ensembles in adult MECP2 duplication mice. Science Bulletin 65 (14)
5. Song K*, Luo H (2017) Temporal Organization of Sound Information in Auditory Memory. Frontiers in Psychology 8 (999) (* co-correspondence)
6. Song K, Meng M, Chen L, Zhou K, Luo H (2014) Behavioral oscillations in attention: Rhythmic α Pulses Mediated through θ Band. Journal of Neuroscience 34 (14)
7. Luo H, Tian X, Song K, Zhou K, Poeppel D (2013) Neural Response Phase Tracks How Listeners Learn New Acoustic Representations. Current Biology 23 (11)