1551, Science Building No.1
MAO Heng
- Lecturer, Doctoral Supervisor
School of Mathematical Sciences, Department of Information and Computing Sciences
National Biomedical Imaging Center
- 个人简介
1. Computable theory of microscopic imaging;
2. Real time field sensing and control;
3. High-dimensional spatio-temporal dynamic volume imaging;
4. High dimensional image processing and reconstruction algorithm.
- 所授课程
Digital Signal Processing (Elective, 3 credits)
Computer Image Processing (Elective, 3 credits)
Mathematical Theory and Its Application in Information Optics (Elective, 3 credits)
Mathematical Theory and Its Application in Adaptive Optics (Elective, 3 credits)
- 个人履历
August 2011 - Present, Lecturer, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Department of Information Science
2009/04-2011/07, Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University
2003.09-2009.03, Doctor of Engineering, Optical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology
1999.09-2003.06, Bachelor of Engineering, Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument major, Wuhan University
- 承担项目
2021-2024, Dynamic light field imaging and data analysis of zebrafish brain neurons based on layered sparse body lighting, National Natural Science Foundation of China (32071458)
2020-2024, High throughput two-photon fluorescence protein screening and Whole Brain Functional Imaging System, National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research Instrument Development Project (21927813)
2019-2023, High throughput and high content array screening imaging system based on self-assembled cell chips, National Natural Science Foundation of China (81827809)
2016-2020, High energy efficiency image and Video processing technology: Theory, Implementation and Application, National Natural Science Foundation of China (61520106004)
2015-2017, Theory and Method of high fidelity audiovisual System, National Natural Science Foundation of China (61421062)
2012-2014, Spatial and Temporal Multi-scale imaging of neural circuits in vivo, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Science Foundation (61101156)
2011-2015, Frontier Research and Key Technologies on Spatio-temporal dynamics of cell Signals, National Key Basic Research Project (973) (2011CB809105)
2011-2014, Theory and Method of high fidelity Audiovisual System, National Natural Science Foundation of China (61121002)
2010-2013, Key Mathematical Problems in Information Processing, National Natural Science Foundation of China (10990013)
- 代表性论文及论著
1. Haiwen Li, Fan Feng, Muyue Zhai, Jiazhi Zhang, Jingyuan Jiang, Yifan Su, Liangyi Chen, Shangbang Gao*, Louis Tao*, Heng Mao*, Fast whole-body motor neuron calcium imaging of freely moving Caenorhabditis elegans without coverslip pressed, Cytometry Part A, 99(11):1143-1157, 2021.
2. Zhe Zhang, Dongzhou Gou, Fan Feng, Ruyi Zheng, Ke Du, Hongrun Yang, Guangyi Zhang, Huitao Zhang, Louis Tao, Liangyi Chen*, Heng Mao*, 3D Hessian deconvolution of thick light-sheet z-stacks for high-contrast and high-SNR volumetric imaging, Photonics Research, 2020, 8(6):1011.
3. Dashan Dong, Xiaoshuai Huang, Liuju Li, Heng Mao, Yanquan Mo, Guangyi Zhang, Zhe Zhang, Jiayu Shen, Wei Liu, Zeming Wu, Guanghui Liu, Yanmei Liu, Hong Yang, Qihuang Gong, Kebin Shi*, Liangyi Chen*. Super-resolution fluorescence-assisted diffraction computational tomography reveals the three-dimensional landscape of the cellular organelle interactome, Light: Science & Applications , 2020, 9(1):1-15.
4. Heng Mao*, Jie He, Jiazhi Zhang, Yuanchao Bai, Muyue Zhai, Haiwen Li, Xiange Wen, Rui Chen, Huizhu Jia, Louis Tao, and Ming Jiang, High Cost-efficient and Computational Gigapixel Video Camera Based on Commercial Lenses and CMOS Chips, Applied Optics, 57(29), 2018.
5. Muyue Zhai, Haiwen Li, Jiazhi Zhang, Louis Tao, Shanshan Wang*, Heng Mao*, Temporal multiplexing of the scientific grade camera for hyper-frame-rate imaging, Optics Express, 26(16), 2018.
6. Xiaoshuai Huang, Junchao Fan, Liuju Li, Haosen Liu, Runlong Wu, Yi Wu, Lisi Wei, Heng Mao, Amit Lal, Peng Xi, Liqiang Tang, Yunfeng Zhang, Yanmei Liu,Shan Tan*, Liangyi Chen*, Fast, long-term super-resolution imaging with Hessian structured illumination microscopy, Nature Biotechnology, 4115, 2018.
7. Mengdi Zhao, Jie An, Haiwen Li, Jiazhi Zhang, Shang-Tong Li, Xue-Mei Li, Meng-Qiu Dong, Heng Mao*, Louis Tao*, Segmentation and classification of two-channel C. elegans nucleus-labeled fluorescence images, BMC Bioinformatics, 18:412, 2017.