Room 2513, Resources West Building, Peking University
Xi Peng
- Professor, Doctoral Advisor
Boya Distinguished Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Peking University
National Biomedical Imaging Center
Principal, multimodal transscale biomedical Imaging Facility
- 个人简介
- XI Lab has developed a series of new superresolution technologies around the spatio-temporal resolution, three-dimensional detection, biological information extraction and other aspects. The main achievements are as follows: 1) Discovered the photon avalanche effect of the intermediate level of upconverted particles, successfully reduced the STED power by more than two orders of magnitude, and realized the 28 nm low power STED super resolution. It is proposed that reflection-standing wave enhanced STED can compress the axial resolution by 6 times without increasing the laser energy, and refresh the STED cell imaging resolution record. 2) Developed a new polarization structured light superresolution imaging technology, which can extract the orientation information of biomolecules and open up a new dimension of superresolution microscopy. 3) Spectral polarization deep learning multi-organelle imaging technology was proposed, which broke through the difficulty of simultaneous imaging of more than 6 organelles with the current "one-to-one" labeling of fluorescence imaging, and realized the imaging of 15 organelles with high spatial and temporal resolution.
- 所授课程
Biomedical Image Processing (undergraduate compulsory, 3 credits)
Biomedical Optics and Applications (undergraduate elective, 3 credits)
- 获奖及荣誉
- Awarded the National Outstanding Young Scholar
- 个人履历
2020.02–now Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Future Technology, Peking University, Beijing, China
2009.12 – 2020.01 Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China
2008.01 – 2009.11 Professor, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai, China
2006.12 – 2007.12 Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA.
2005.02 – 2006.11 Research Associate, Bindley Bioscience Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.
2003.08 – 2004.12 Research Associate, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Ph. D. 2003 Optical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
BE 1998 Opto-electronic Engineering, Shanxi University
- 承担项目
1. 2023.1-2027.12 Ministry of Science and Technology Key Research and Development Project (Project number: 2022YFC3400083) "Living Cell super resolution 3D Panoramic Imaging and analytical technology System Development", 22 million yuan
2. 2021.1-2024.12 Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62025501)
Title: Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (RMB 4,000,000)
3. 020. 1 – 2023.12 Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31971376)
Title: Real-time large field-of-view three-dimensional lensfree microscopy (RMB 600,000)
- 代表性论文及论著
1. Karl Zhanghao*, Wenhui Liu, Meiqi Li, Zihan Wu, Xiao Wang, Xingye Chen, Chunyan Shan, Haoqian Wang, Xiaowei Chen, Qionghai Dai, Peng Xi*, Dayong Jin*, High-dimensional super-resolution imaging reveals heterogeneity and dynamics of subcellular lipid membranes, Nature Communications, 11: 5890 (2020).
2. X. Yang, Z. Yang, Z. Wu, Y. He, C. Shan, P. Chai, C. Ma, M. Tian, J. Teng, D. Jin, W. Yan, P. Das, J. Qu*, P. Xi*, “Mitochondrial dynamics quantitatively revealed by sted nanoscopy with an enhanced squaraine variant probe” Nature Communications 11:3699 (2020).
3. Jiang, S., Guan, M., Wu, J., Fang, G., Xu, X., Jin, D., Liu, Z., Shi, K., Bai, F., Wang, S. and Xi, P., 2020. Frequency-domain diagonal extension imaging. Advanced Photonics 2(3), p.036005.
4. L. Chen, M. Wang, X. Zhang, M. Zhang, Y. Hu, Z. Shi, P. Xi*, J. Gao*, “Group-sparsity-based super-resolution dipole orientation mapping (GS-SDOM),” IEEE Transactions on medical imaging 38, 2687-2694 (2019).
5. K. Zhanghao, X. Chen, M. Li, Y. Liu, W. Liu, S. Luo, X. Wang, K. Zhao, A. Lai, C. Shan, H. Xie, Y. Zhang, X. Li, Q. Dai, and P. Xi*, “Super-resolution Imaging of Fluorescent Dipoles by Polarized Structured Illumination Microscopy,” Nature Communications 10, 4694 (2019).
6. A. Lal, C. Shan, K. Zhao, W. Liu, X. Huang, W. Zong, L. Chen, P. Xi*, A frequency domain SIM reconstruction algorithm using reduced number of images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27(9), 4555-4570 (2018).
7. D. Jin*, P. Xi*, B. Wang, L. Zhang, J. Enderlein*, A. M. Oijen*, “Nanoparticles for super-resolution microscopy and single-molecule tracking”, Nature Methods, 15, 415-423 (2018).
8. Y. Liu, Y. Lu*, X. Yang, X. Zheng, S. Wen, F. Wang, X. Vidal, T. Zhao, D. Liu, Z. Zhou, C. Ma, J. Zhou, J. Piper, P. Xi*, and D. Jin*, “Amplified stimulated emission in upconversion nanoparticles for super resolution nanoscopy,” Nature 543, 229-233 (2017).
9. K. Zhanghao, L. Chen, X. Yang, M. Wang, Z. Jing, H. Han, M. Q. Zhang, D. Jin*, J. Gao*, P. Xi*, “Super-resolution dipole orientation mapping via polarization demodulation”, Light: Science and Applications 5, e16166 (2016). This paper has been highlighted by Nature Methods.
10. X. Yang, H. Xie, E. Alonas, Y. Liu, X. Chen, Q. Ren, P. J. Santangelo, P. Xi*, and D. Jin, “Mirror enhanced super-resolution microscopy”, Light: Science and Applications 5, e16134 (2016). This paper has been highlighted by Nature Photonics.